A typical email user's mailbox grows by about 4-8GB a year. Therefore a typical user, an upper limit of 100GB or 1 million mail is sufficient to hold mail for 10+ years. However, under certain conditions, vaults can grow at a very fast rate.  Large vaults (over 100GB) may have performance issues as mentioned below:

a. Unable to browse or search through the folder content using the Archive view

b. Unable to export data from the Archive view

c. Unable to find emails in the eDiscovery view due to delay in indexing.

d. Unable to download mail from the eDiscovery view

Some scenarios in which vaults become large very fast and the workarounds to keep the vault size small without increasing your Vaultastic costs are suggested as below:

1. You are archiving mail for more than one user into a single vault.

While we guarantee that the mail will be safe even when the vault sizes grow above 100 GB, the overall Vaultastic performance for the vault will degrade.

The solution is to provision and archive mail for all users separately in Vaultastic. Using the Hold plan for the vaults ensures that each vault will remain small in size and you are charged only for the cumulative storage used across all the vaults.

2. You are archiving mail generated by an automated system, such as a notification engine.

In such a scenario, the Vaultastic HOLD account receiving the mail will soon cross the limits set.  To keep the vault within limits, use LegacyFlo to migrate older data to different vaults and set the retention to keep the size of the original vault small.

3. You are using LegacyFlo to upload data from different mailboxes or data files into a single vault.

Using LegacyFlo, you can upload legacy data to a folder in a vault. Make sure that the requests submitted to LegacyFlo upload data from different data files or mailboxes into different vaults with the Hold plan.

4. Users have legacy data which is uploaded to their vaults

Legacy data can be uploaded to Vaultastic accounts other than the ones which are receiving the live mail for archival.