1.0 Prerequisites

Sender ID

 - The ID should be of your organisation's domain

- The email id should exist on Mithi SkyConnect

- Sender ID should be present in Mithi SkyConnect whitelist or power user list

Outgoing Server URL

- For up to 5000 mails per day use the URL {domain}.mithiskyconnect.com

- For more than 5000 mails per day, use the URL or1.mithiskyconnect.com

Outgoing Server Port No.1125
for or1, use port 7725
- Make sure this port is open in your firewall
AuthenticationNo authentication should be configured
SSLSSL is optional
-Only StartTLS is accepted. If the application does not support StartTLS, disable SSL.

Sender IPSender Public IP/S to be shared with Mithi to allow connections over port 1125
Telnet toolTo test the connection between Bulk Mail Application and Mithi SkyConnect
OpenSSL toolTo test the mail transaction from Bulk Mail Application Consol

2.0 Configuration Steps

  1. Share the Sender Server IP address to Mithi to allow access to send bulk mails
  2. Add the DNS entry for DKIM dor the domain on server. The information will be provided by Mithi team.
  3. Share the Sender Email ID to be whitelisted for bulk mailing
  4. Create bulk email id on Mithi SkyConnect
  5. Configuration the Bulk Mail Application with outgoing server credentials

3.0 Precaution

  1.  Schedule the bulk mailflow in non-production hours
  2. Click Here to know the limits configured on Mithi SkyConnect

4.0 Testing

  1. Log in to the commandline console for testing connection.
    Test the connectivity using the following command:# telnet {domain}.mithiskyconnect.com 1125
    Note: Please confirm telnet client is installed before testing
  2. Test the mail flow using openssl command
  3. Visit the SpamTitan console to ensure the emails are delivered to remote domains as expected.
  4. The testing should be carried out from each IP of the application server

5.0 References
