For existing customers, whose domains have been migrated to Version 4, the storage & access pricing are adjusted as follows:

For customers with Pay Per User payment agreement:

  • If you had earlier subscribed for the Hold plan, the Hold plan's price given in Vaultastic Version 3 would carry forward to Vaultastic Version 4.
  • If you had earlier subscribed to the Continuity/Tracer/Durability plans, the billing automatically shifts to the new storage-based billing. The rate for Vaultastic Active storage is the same as agreed for the earlier Hold plan. If you had not subscribed to the Hold plan in Version 3, then the default rate is applicable.
  • The access charge is applicable as used.

For customers with the Contract payment agreement:

  • If you had earlier subscribed for the Hold plan, the Hold pan's storage rate applies to all storage in Version 4.
  • If you had earlier subscribed to the Continuity/Tracer/Durability plan, the billing automatically shifts to the new storage-based billing. The rate for Vaultastic Active storage is as agreed for the earlier Hold plan. If you had not subscribed to the Hold plan in Version 3, then the default rate is applicable.
  • The access charge is applicable as used.
  • Suppose with the new pricing plan; you are eligible to pay an additional charge. In that case, this is given as credit till the next renewal cycle to reduce commercial impact during your contract period.