Our customers worldwide use Vaultastic to protect and manage their email data securely in the cloud. During the last couple of years, our customers gave us some great feedback on how to improve their data management & eDiscovery experience further and optimize the costs of protecting data.

Some of the critical feedback we received:

  1. Most of the data is used infrequently.
  2. All users typically do not need access to their vaults. Only the auditors need access.
  3. Annual storage growth varies across users vastly. Some users may grow at 0.1 GB a year, while some may grow at 4 GB a year in the same organization. This variation was making it difficult for the customers to work with fixed plans with storage caps. They found that they were typically paying upfront for capacity filling up very slowly or filling up heavy users' capacity very fast.
  4. Ediscovery performance varied with vault sizes.

You spoke; we listened.

We rolled out Vaultastic V4 to address the above feedback and have seen more than 95% of our customers save anywhere between 30% to 60% with the new single, simplified, storage-based plan. Vaultastic V4 also includes an option for storing infrequently used data in an Inactive (cold) store at much-compressed costs.